Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Study Program

Courses & Syllabus

Japanese Language Courses【 日本語コースのレベル 】

Course Level
Prerequisite skills and other requirements
Students must be able to read Hiragana and Katakana (self-taught is also acceptable).
Basic communication ability in English is required for students with no previous experience with the Japanese language.
ひらがなとカタカナが読めること(独学でも良い)。 日本語未習の場合は基本的な英語でのコミュニケーションができること。
More than 150 hours of Japanese language studies (self-taught is also acceptable).
Japanese language studies at a level higher than Elementary (self-taught is also acceptable).

Beginner Course 初級コース

This course will introduce beginner-level Japanese: how to use simple nouns, adjectives, and verbs to speak in Japanese, and is aimed at students who have studied between 0 to 100 hours of the Japanese language (equivalent to "Genki" Lessons 1-5 or "Minna no Nihongo" Lessons 1-12).

学習時間0時間〜100時間程度 初めて日本語を学習する〜簡単な名詞、形容詞、動詞を使って話せるレベル(げんきL1-5、 みんなの日本語L1-12相当)

You will be able to: Use basic expressions, and become proficient in greetings and simple conversation. You will be able to talk about and ask questions about everyday life situations.

到達目標: 基本的な表現を使って、あいさつや簡単なやりとりができるようになる。お互いの日常生活について、伝えたり、質問したりできるようになる。

Syllabus (PDF)

Elementary Course 初中級コース

Students will learn the rules for basic conjugations (dictionary form, 'te' form, 'nai' form). This level is aimed at students currently studying early-elementary level textbooks, or who have studied between 150 and 300 hours of Japanese language in the past (equivalent to "Genki" Lessons 6-21 or "Minna no Nihongo" Lessons 13-50).

学習時間150時間〜300時間程度 動詞の基本活用(辞書形、て形、ない形)のルールがわかる〜現在、学習中のレベル(げんきL6-21、みんなの日本語L13-50相当)

You will be able to: Use elementary expressions, and become proficient in everyday conversation. You will also become able to describe and express their thoughts on things around them and everyday situations.

到達目標: 初中級レベルの表現を使って、日常会話ができるようになる。身の回りのことについて、事実や感想をまとまった長さで表現できるようになる。

Syllabus (PDF)

Intermediate Course 中級コース

This level is aimed at students who have finished studying elementary level textbooks, and have moved onto intermediate level materials, or who have studied more than 400 hours of Japanese.

学習時間400時間以上 初級教科書の学習を一通り終え、中級教科書を使って学習しているレベルかそれ以上

You will be able to: Talk about abstract concepts, and talk about your opinions via presentations. You will also learn other peoples' opinions and by doing so deepen your understanding of the subject.

到達目標: 抽象的なテーマについて話し合い、関連する内容について発表したり意見を述べたりできるようになる。他者の考えを知り、理解を深めることができるようになる。

Syllabus (PDF)