Prospective Students


Program Fees Accommodation Fees Living Expenses (Estimate) Scholarship Opportunities

While Tuition Fees are waived for exchange students at KGU, incoming exchange students must pay for the following items.

Program Fees (subject to change)

Program Fees include fees covering the purchase of the mandatory KGU Insurance Pack and KGU Support Pack.

One Semester Full-Year
Fall (Sep.-Jan.) Spring (Mar.-Aug.) From Fall (Sep.-Aug.) From Spring (Mar.-Jan.)
Total 40,000 JPY 40,000 JPY 55,000 JPY 55,000 JPY
  • All incoming students will be expected to complete full payment of the Program fees prior to the beginning of their program.

Accommodation Fees (subject to change)

Accommodation Fees include a range of items from rent to futon rental and will vary depending on the students' accommodation.

One Semester Full-Year
Fall (Sep.-Jan.) Spring (Mar.-Aug.) From Fall (Sep.-Aug.) From Spring (Mar.-Jan.)
Dormitory Fees 260,000 - 650,000 JPY 240,000 - 600,000 JPY 530,000 - 1,300,000 JPY 500,000 - 1,250,000 JPY

Dormitory Fees will be charged monthly to the student after the beginning of the program.

One Semester Full-Year
Fall (Sep.-Jan.) Spring (Mar.-Aug.) From Fall (Sep.-Aug.) From Spring (Mar.-Jan.)
Homestay Fees 500,000 JPY 400,000 JPY 1,000,000 JPY 900,000 JPY
  • One Semester Students will be expected to complete full payment of the Homestay Fees prior to the beginning of the program.
  • Full Year Students will be expected to complete payment of the first semester Homestay Fees prior to the beginning of the program and pay for the second semester Homestay Fees prior to the start of the second semester.

Living Expenses (Estimate)

Exchange students may find that they need more or less, but below is an estimate of what a student should plan for a one month period. Those planning trips during breaks, regular outings, shopping, or other personal plans should bring more.
The cost of a round-trip airfare to and from Japan or travel expenses for trips within Japan is not included below. Also, depending on where students are staying, transportation costs to and from the university may be required.

(Per month)

Dormitory Student Homestay Student
Health Insurance 3,000 JPY 3,000 JPY
Food 40,000 JPY 15,000 JPY
Books 7,000 JPY 7,000 JPY
Miscellaneous 20,000 JPY 20,000 JPY
Total 70,000 JPY 55,000 JPY

Scholarship Opportunities

Applying for scholarship through KGU

While KGU does not offer any unique scholarships for exchange students, we may recommend students to apply to external organizations. Such scholarships depend on the external organization’s budget and KGU cannot guarantee the number of scholarships we will be allocated. As a whole, the number of scholarships has decreased in recent years. Prospective exchange students are not to assume that they will receive a scholarship and should therefore plan their budget accordingly.

Students applying through the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC), the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA), or the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) are not eligible to apply for these scholarships.

Applying to scholarships on your own

Past participants have received scholarships through corporations, national governments, and non-governmental organizations. CIEC will support applications to these scholarships, but the solicitation and application to the scholarship are the responsibility of the student.